Tuesday, February 22, 2022

What are Economic Cycles?

Economic cycles are the fluctuations in the business cycle. They are measured by the change in GDP, unemployment rates, and interest rates.

Economic cycles are the fluctuation of the economy over time. The economy goes through different phases, such as expansion, boom, recession, and contraction.

“Economic cycles are a measure of how an economy is doing” according to Alan Safahi, renowned San Francisco entrepreneur and Orinda businessman.

“The economic cycle is measured by three key indicators: gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment rate, and interest rate”.

Changes in Business Cycle Post Pandemic – Impacts of Change on Daily Life

The business cycle is the natural progression of the economy. It is a pattern of growth, decline, and recovery that repeats over time.

The business cycle has four phases: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough.

“There are many factors that affect the business cycle” says Safahi. “These include the government’s fiscal policy (spending and taxes), monetary policy (interest rates), international trade policies, technological changes, consumer confidence, economic growth rates in other countries, and natural disasters”.

The impacts of change on daily life are not always easy to predict but it is important to be aware of what these changes can mean for your lifestyle.

Case Study – Impact of global economic crisis in Canada

The global economic crisis of 2008 resulted in a number of changes to the business cycle. The changes were also felt by the world’s largest economies, including Canada.

Canada is considered to be one of the most stable economies in the world and has been since before the 2008 economic crisis. The country has experienced less than average unemployment rates and has not yet seen any major downturns in its economy.

However, there are changes that have occurred to Canada’s business cycle post-2008 that are worth noting.

The 2008 recession led to a significant decrease in employment rates, incomes, and GDP. This led to an increase in unemployment rates, which have risen steadily since then. The Canadian economy has also experienced a decrease in exports and imports due to the falling demand for commodities across the world.

Canada’s business cycle has changed significantly over the last decade as a result of the 2008 recession.

What is the Shoe Leather Hypothesis?

The shoe leather hypothesis (SLH) is an economic theory which states that demand for a product or service will rise as its price falls, up to a point where the price reaches zero. When this happens, no further increase in demand is possible and any further reductions in price will lead to reduced sales volume and hence lower revenues from sales (and higher unit costs).

This hypothesis was introduced by Alfred Marshall in 1890s. It states that the production and supply of a commodity is primarily determined by the amount of demand for it. The more people want a certain commodity, the more production and supply will be available to meet their needs.

The Shoe Leather Hypothesis was re-introduced by economist John Maynard Keynes in his 1937 essay “Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren”.

The Shoe Leather Hypothesis is based on the idea that as the cost of living decreases, people will have more time to spend on leisure activities. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in demand for goods and services.

His hypothesis suggests that the development of new technology will lead to a future where people are so wealthy that they don’t need to work.

How Does an Economic Recession Occur?

Economic recession is a period of declining economic activity. It is usually associated with a decline in business investment, trade, and employment.

The most common measure of economic activity is the gross domestic product (GDP). The GDP is the value of all goods and services produced in a country over one year, adjusted for inflation. If the GDP falls for two or more consecutive quarters, an economic recession may be said to have occurred.

According to Alan Safahi, “the causes of an economic recession are complex and not completely understood. They can be caused by a number of factors such as the bursting of a speculative bubble, a sharp decline in investment or government policies”.

“A recession occurs when there has been a significant decline in aggregate demand with an accompanying contraction of production followed by a period of stagnation or slow growth” claims Alan Safahi.

Conclusion – How Changes of Business Cycles Post Pandemic Impact Our Daily Lives

The post pandemic period is considered to be the most turbulent time for the world economy. Business cycles were disrupted and also changed dramatically.

This had a large impact on our daily lives, especially in how we spend money, where we work, and what we buy. We will now explore these changes in more detail.

Originally Posted: https://vocal.media/journal/introduction-what-are-economic-cycles

Monday, February 21, 2022

Realize Brand’s Digital Potential With NFT Marketing

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that can be traded, bought, and sold on a block-chain. They are not physical objects like a coin or a share of stock. Instead, they are digital representations of something that can be traded online.

These tokens are not interchangeable with other tokens of their kind, meaning they are not fungible. This is why they are called non-fungible tokens.

NFTs require a new approach to marketing that focuses on the unique features of the goods and services.

Here are a few tips for better marketing for your NFTs

1) Create a clear and consistent message about the product or service

2) Use social media channels for your product or service

3) Build an online community around your product or service

In order to market NFT, you need to have a clear understanding of the market. You need to know what the market needs and how it works. You also need to know what your competitors are doing and how they are performing in the marketplace.

The best way to get this information is by conducting research on your competitors, reading articles about the industry, and finding out what people in the industry are saying.

How to Achieve the Benefits of NFT Marketing for Your Brand

NFT marketing is a new form of advertising that has been growing in popularity. It is a great way to generate more exposure for your brand and create a more interactive experience with your customers.

“NFT marketing is the future of digital marketing” says Alan Safahi, Orinda businessman and entrepreneur. “Brands are starting to see the benefits of NFT marketing and are incorporating it into their campaigns”.

“With NFT, brands can create an interactive experience with their customers and get more exposure for their brand” continues Safahi.

What is the Difference between Branded Tokens and NFTs?

Branded Tokens are a form of digital asset that can be used to purchase items from a company.

NFTs are a type of digital asset that is unique and cannot be replicated by anyone.

NFTs are one-of-a-kind and cannot be replicated, but they can be duplicated.

Branded tokens can only be used to purchase items from the company that created them, but NFTs can also be traded for other assets on the blockchain.

NFT Marketplaces- A Tool to Expand a Brand’s Reach and Sales

NFT marketplaces are platforms that allow users to buy and sell NFTs with one another. These marketplaces are usually built on blockchain technology and can be accessed through a website or mobile app.

“NFT marketplaces provide an opportunity for brands to expand their reach and sales by allowing them to create their own tokens or NFTs which they can then sell in the marketplace” according to Safahi. The tokens or NFTs are usually tied to the brand’s products, services, or events.

The first NFT marketplace was OpenSea, which launched in 2018. It was followed by Rare Bits, which is a marketplace for digital assets that are not on the Ethereum blockchain.

There are two types of NFT marketplaces- centralized and decentralized. Decentralized marketplaces have no central authority and they use blockchain technology to verify transactions. Centralized marketplaces can be hacked so they are less secure than decentralized ones.

Conclusion: The Future of Digital Marketing is here

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens, which are digital assets that have unique and individualized serial numbers.

NFT is a new and emerging marketing strategy that has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business. It is a powerful tool that can be used for marketing and branding, but it also has the ability to transform retail.

NFT marketplaces are one of the newest trends in the crypto world. They allow brands to sell their products to a wider audience and generate more revenue.

Originally Posted: https://safahi.com/how-to-realize-your-brands-digital-potential-with-nft-marketing-66f089b4dbaa

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A Guide to the Future of Work in Developing Countries

The future of work in developing countries is a topic that is often discussed in the media. However, there are many challenges to consider when talking about the evolving nature of work.

This article provides an overview of some of the debates around how to create jobs in developing economies, and what this means for the world’s workforce.


Developing countries have been facing a tough time when it comes to creating new jobs for their citizens. With automation taking over more and more sectors, it seems like there is no hope left for these countries. However, this article will show you how developing economies can create jobs with entrepreneurship and innovation.

The future is here and it is not all that bad. In fact, in some ways, it may be better than what we have today.

According to Alan Safahi, Orinda businessman and startup entrepreneur “the most valuable skills in the future will be creativity and emotional intelligence”.

Safahi adds: “We will need to be able to adapt quickly to change and find solutions for new problems that come up”.

In order to create a successful business in 2022 and beyond, “you should focus on building a culture of innovation where everyone has the opportunity to contribute their ideas” says Safahi.

How Emerging Economies are Spurring New Ideas and Inventive Solutions in the Workforce

Emerging economies are spurring new ideas and inventive solutions in the workforce. The digital economy is on the rise and it is transforming the way we work.

Emerging economies are the most important drivers of economic growth and job creation in the world. They are responsible for more than half of global GDP and most of the world’s population still lives in emerging economies.

The countries that have seen significant economic development over the past decade, such as China, India, Brazil, and South Africa, have all created new jobs and opportunities for their citizens.

There is a lot of talk about how to create jobs in developed economies but there has been less focus on how to nurture new ideas and inventiveness in emerging economies.

The Future is Now! How to Prepare for Tomorrow’s Workforce Now?

The future of work is already here, and it’s changing the way we live and work.

The world of work is changing rapidly, with new technologies transforming how we live and work. The traditional 9-5 office job is becoming obsolete as more people are freelancing, starting their own business or working remotely. More than ever before, workers need to be lifelong learners who can adapt to an ever-changing workplace.

The World Economic Forum’s new report on “Future of Work Trends 2020” provides insights into how companies can prepare for tomorrow’s workforce now.

The Future of Work report outlines the trends that will shape the future of work. The report provides insights on how developments in automation and AI will affect different countries and regions. It also examines how companies can prepare for the future of work by making sure they have the right people with the right skills to drive their business forward.

Role of Governments and Private Sector in Providing Better Business in 2022?

The governments and private sector need to work together in order to make sure that there is a good business environment in 2022.

The government’s role is to set up the necessary framework for a company’s success, while the private sector has more of a hands-on approach. The government provides an opportunity for companies to succeed by setting up laws and regulations that will help them grow, while the private sector helps them by providing them with tools and solutions that will help them grow.

The government needs to create policies that will help the private sector. The private sector, on the other hand, needs to invest in better education systems and workforce development strategies.

“Governments can provide advice to companies about how they can stay competitive in the future, while private sectors provide advice on how to make the most out of digital transformation” says Alan Safahi.

Overall Conclusion on the Future of Work from a Global Perspective

In conclusion, the future of work is going to be different from what we have seen in the past. AI will play a key role in shaping the future of work. With AI assistance, copywriters can put their skills to use in a more efficient way. They can make sure that they are not wasting time on skill sets that they don’t have and instead focus on what they are best at – creativity and emotions.

Originally Posted: https://vocal.media/journal/a-guide-to-the-future-of-work-in-developing-countries

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Role of Government in Job Creation


What is the role of government in job creation?

Necessity for a Course Correction on Taxation

How to Transform Government from a Negative Force to a Positive Force for Job Creation

Monday, February 7, 2022

How Business Alignment Techniques Create A Smarter, More Innovative Organizations in 2022

Business alignment is important in the age of AI, because it ensures that the business is not only able to keep up with new technologies but also make sure that they are not left behind.

In this article, we will explore some of the most important business alignment techniques in 2022 and how they can help you in your efforts to succeed.

“Businesses need to be able to align themselves with AI in order to be successful” says San Francisco serial entrepreneur and startup founder, advisor and investor Alan Safahi. This is because the future of business will involve a lot of automation and there will be less need for human labor. “If companies are not prepared for this change, then they will have a hard time keeping up with their competitors” continues Safahi.

What is a Business Alignment Technique & How Does it Work?

Business alignment is the process of aligning an organization’s activities to its strategy. It ensures that the organization is maximizing its potential by focusing on the right things, in the right way, at the right time.

Business alignment can be done through a number of techniques, including SWOT analysis, strategic organizational design, and portfolio management. These techniques are all used to assess what is happening in an organization now and what may happen in the future.

The business alignment technique can be used for both big organizations or small businesses with limited resources. The process helps them make informed decisions about their direction and how they are going to achieve it.

This technique helps align an organization’s strategy and operations with its business priorities. To do this, it uses a variety of approaches, such as:

-aligning the company’s strategy with its operations

-aligning the company’s culture with its strategy

-aligning the company’s people to its mission and vision.

This technique is often used by companies who want to create a unified organizational culture or to align their employees with their company’s mission and vision.

The Case For AI-Driven Organizations In The Coming Years

AI-driven organizations are on the rise. Many organizations are already using artificial intelligence to help them in their day-to-day operations. But the future of AI in organizations is about so much more than just efficiency. It’s about becoming an integral part of the organization, making it more efficient and effective.

While some may be wary of the implications, there is a lot of evidence that suggests that AI will be a boon to organizations and not a bane.

“AI will transform how we run our businesses, deliver products and services to our customers, and even change how we work. It will become a key pillar of any organization’s strategy, rather than an afterthought or something relegated to the IT department” declares Safahi.

The biggest advantage is that AI can do tedious and repetitive tasks with ease and accuracy. They can also perform tasks which are too dangerous for humans to do without any risk of injury or death. This means that more people can be deployed on meaningful work rather than doing menial tasks which do not require human intelligence.

How to Implement Business Alignment Techniques 2022 In Your Organization Today

Business alignment is a crucial factor for the success of any organization.

Business alignment techniques are not just about technology. They are about making sure that the organization is aligned with the goals of the business and that it has a strategy to achieve those goals.

This innovation strategy is about more than creating new ideas. It’s also about implementing them in an effective way.

The business alignment techniques for the 2020s will help you do both — create and implement new ideas in an effective way.

Here are some ways in which you can implement business alignment techniques in your organization today:

1. Map out the organizational goals and objectives:

2. Identify the key stakeholders and their interests:

3. Identify the critical success factors, constraints, and risks:

4. Establish a strategy that aligns with those interests from stakeholders, critical success factors, constraints, and risks:

5. Implement that strategy through specific initiatives or programs

Originally Posted: https://safahi.com/how-business-alignment-techniques-create-a-smarter-more-innovative-organizations-in-2022-e4079e444681

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Open Banking 101: What is It, How it Works, and Why You Should Care

What is Open Banking?

Open banking is a new way of banking where you have control over your data and the ability to share it with other banks and financial providers.

Open Banking allows you to use your account information from one bank, for example, to set up a credit card from another bank. This means that if you have an account with one bank, but want to apply for a credit card from another, you can do so without having to fill out any forms or provide any additional information.

According to Alan Safahi, San Francisco entrepreneur and startup founder, “the idea behind open banking is that banks should share their data with third parties so that customers can get more out of their money”.

This means that you can find all of your financial information from different banks on one platform, such as where you keep your money, what credit cards you have, what loans you have taken out and so on.

“This opens up a whole world of possibilities for people who want to manage their money” continues Alan Safahi.

History of Open Banking Initiative

Open Banking was an initiative that aimed to make it easier for consumers to switch banks and for small businesses and individuals to access new services.

It was a set of regulations introduced by the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in 2014. The regulations required banks to provide data on customers’ finances, such as their account balances, mortgage repayments and overdraft limits, in a standard format. This meant that any bank can use the data from another bank’s customers if they wish to offer them better deals or services.

The idea has now fully expanded to thousands of banks across all of Europe and is starting to get a foothold in the U.S., Australia and Canada where laws are being continuously drafted to encourage bank participation.

Open Banking Regulations

Open banking is a new trend in the financial industry.

The Open Banking regulations are a set of rules that govern how banks and other financial institutions can share customer data with third parties. They are designed to make it easier for customers to switch banks and for banks to offer better products.

The regulations were introduced in the United Kingdom in 2014 and have since been also implemented in the European Union.

The U.S., Canada, and Australia have all implemented open banking regulations in the last few years.

The U.S. has been implementing open banking regulations since 2015 when the Dodd-Frank Act was passed into law. This act required that banks provide their customers with access to their data so they can use it with third-party providers of financial services like credit card companies, mortgage brokers, or investment advisors without having to give up their bank account information or passwords

Canada has also been implementing open banking regulations since 2017 when they passed Bill C-31 which required that banks provide their customers with access to their data.

The open banking regulations were introduced in Australia in 2018 to allow customers to share their financial data with third parties such as fintech companies.

The introduction has since been bringing about the benefits of open banking regulations for Australian customers.

The Benefits of Open Banking

The benefits of open banking are the ability to use a single account to manage all of your finances, and the ability to see what’s going on with your money in real time.

For businesses that are sending a larger number of cross border payments, Open Banking allows them to access multiple accounts in different currencies and easily move funds from the most optimum currency accounts to take advantage of the fluctuating foreign exchange rates which would have been too difficult and time consuming prior to to open banking.

The downside of open banking is that hackers are taking advantage of open banking by stealing people’s identities through these accounts. “This has given rise to a new generation of security tools and a new burgeoning privacy protection industry” according to Safahi.

The Open Banking statistics show that there are many benefits for both banks and consumers. For example, the number of people who have signed up for an account has increased by 50%. The number of people who have used an app has also increased by 50%.

How to Use Open Banking Apps to Make Your Life Easier

The apps for this technology are available on your smartphone, and they can be used in a number of ways. If you want to transfer money from one account to another, or if you want to compare different accounts — you can do it all through these apps.

The Open Banking Regulations require banks to provide customers with an open API (application programming interface) which can be used by third party providers, like fintech companies, to offer financial services. This means that you can now use your bank account for much more than just storing money — you can use it as a tool for investing, paying off your student loans or even making payments abroad!


The Open Banking Regulations are designed to give consumers more control over their personal data. Consumers will be able to easily switch banks and make international money transfers. They will also be able to access information about their finances in a more transparent manner.

Many experts like Orinda businessman Alan Safahi, startup founder and investor, however, are warning about the potential security risks associated with open banking which could make consumers as well as companies vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Originally Posted: https://vocal.media/journal/open-banking-101-what-is-it-how-it-works-and-why-you-should-care