Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Power of Prayer


Introduction: What is prayer?

Prayer is a form of communication in which one party talks to another and asks for help, guidance, or intervention. “The word “prayer” comes from Latin meaning “to beseech”.

According to Alan Safahi, San Francisco entrepreneur, investor and an advisor to Candle Labs “Prayer is the act of talking to a higher power with reverence and humility”. “The term “prayer” can also be used to refer to the words and thoughts one says in order to communicate with that higher power: said Safahi.

The earliest evidence of prayer dates back to ancient Egypt, where prayers often consisted of chanting words from religious texts or spells that would be spoken in a rhythmic manner.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs depict Egyptian prayers being offered up to the gods, and when the temples were closed, they prayed within their own homes.

Prayers have been part of many religions, including Judaism and Islam.

The earliest form of prayer in Judaism is called Kaddish, which is said during an ending of the prayer service and is dedicated to God.

Prayer is often seen as a client-centered activity, in which practitioners engage in an experience of personal contemplation or reflection that leads them to changed attitudes and behaviors.

Prayer may be said with eyes closed (meditation), with eyes open (contemplation), or with eyes half-open for light meditation.

The Role of Prayer in Judaism

The Jewish tradition of prayer is an important part of their religious practice. It is a dialogue between the individual and God, and it is not just a one-way conversation.

The Jewish prayer experience is different from Christian prayer because the Jewish tradition engages in a conversation with God that can take place anytime, anywhere. This is reflected in the many prayers and blessings recited throughout the week, which are traditionally read aloud at home and during Sabbath worship services.

An example of a blessing: “Grant me to see my friends happy and healthy. Grant me to know the ways of peace, to hear the sound of silence, and to taste your sweetness.

The Christian prayer is a conversation between the individual and God. The Jewish prayer is an important part of their religious practice.

The Role of Prayer in Christianity

Prayer is a form of communication with God. Christians believe that prayer is more than just words and it can be done in many ways. It can be spoken, written, or even thought of in some cases.

“Prayer has been used for centuries by people all over the world to communicate with the divine and ask for guidance, forgiveness, or help” claims Safahi.

There are different types of prayers such as: prayers of adoration (to praise God), prayers of confession (to admit sins) and prayers of thanksgiving (to thank God).

Prayers of adoration are more like songs that express praise and gratitude to God.

Prayers of confession are more like prayers of repentance that admit sins and ask for forgiveness.

Prayers of thanksgiving are more like prayers to thank God for blessings, success, and general feelings of appreciation.

The best way to pray is when we are feeling like praising God, admitting our sins and thanking God for blessings.

Prayer is talking to God. Talking to God is talking to Jesus.

The best way to talk to Jesus is through the Bible. God’s Word is always true (the Bible).

The best way to get the Bible is through reading it everyday. Note: The order of this passage is changed in accordance with the three types of prayers as indicated above.

What’s the Difference Between Muslim and Eastern Views on Prayer?

Muslims pray five times a day, at specific intervals. This is the most important form of worship for Muslims.

Muslims pray in Arabic, but the actual meaning is universal. The prayers are not only recited in Arabic, but also translated into many languages including English.

The prayer ritual has many steps and includes bowing, kneeling and prostrating oneself on the ground.

There are different types of Muslim prayers that are performed at different times of the day or night: — Fajr: performed before sunrise. 

Dhuhr: performed after midday

Asr: performed in late afternoon

Maghrib: performed just after sunset

Ishaa: performed after dark


The power of prayer is the most powerful force in the world. It is not something that you can see or touch, but it is something that you feel.

Prayer is a powerful force in our lives and our society regardless of our religion.

Prayer isn’t just a ritual, it’s a way to communicate with God and talk about what we need or want from Him. It has helped people through hard times and has given us hope.

Originally Posted: https://alansafahicontracosta.wordpress.com/2022/04/25/the-power-of-prayer/

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Role of Candles in Religious Ceremonies


A candle is an object that emits light and can be used to provide warmth. The term “candle” is usually reserved for a wax or paraffin-based object that is lit to produce light, and hence to read by, or provide heat, or both.

The word “candle” was first recorded in Middle English as “candle”, from Old Northern French “candela”. It was one of the earliest words borrowed from Latin into Old English.

A candle consists of a wick embedded in wax or another flammable solid substance such as tallow that provides fuel for the flame.

Candles in Ancient Cultures

The Ancient Egyptians were the first to use candles. They used them in religious ceremonies and rituals.

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use candles. The Egyptians used them in religious ceremonies and rituals, as well as for everyday life. Candles were a sign of light in the dark, and they also helped to keep insects away.

Candles are a very old invention that dates back to Ancient Egypt. Candles were used in religious ceremonies and rituals, as well as for everyday life. Candles have been around for thousands of years, dating back to Ancient Egypt when they were used for both religious ceremonies and every day life purposes such as keeping insects away from homes or providing light during the night time hours.

The ancient Chinese used them as a symbol of purity and as a substitute for incense.

The use of incense in China dates back to the time of the Shang dynasty and was used as a symbol of purity. These days, it is used in religious ceremonies and rituals.

The use of joss sticks is believed to have originated in China during the Han Dynasty.

Joss sticks are typically made from the dried stems, leaves, and flowers of plants like sandalwood, clove, and frankincense. Joss sticks are usually burned on an altar or brazier to produce a fragrant smoke that is considered pleasing to the gods or spirits being honored.

Candles are lit during religious ceremonies such as Christmas and Easter, symbolizing the light of god’s love breaking into our world — it is sometimes used as a decoration on Christmas trees .

In parts of India, Greece, Spain and Brazil, people use candles to mark periods in their lives (births, deaths) or their personal achievements (passing an exam) — the practice is called “lambing” or “candle lighting”.

A candle is traditionally used to light a bride’s way down the aisle during an Irish marriage ceremony. In some cases, the bride carries a long-stemmed branch of ivy or greenery as she walks.

Difference Between Rituals and Ceremonies

A ritual is a set of actions that one may perform to achieve a specific goal. Rituals are often performed in order to bring about some change or to maintain balance. Ceremonies, on the other hand, are rituals that are performed for a specific occasion. The difference between the two is that ceremonies have an intrinsic purpose while rituals may not have one at all.

Role of Candles in Religious Ceremonies

“Candles are used in many religious ceremonies as they symbolize one’s willingness to receive the light of God” according to Alan Safahi, San Francisco entrepreneur, investor and an advisor to Candle Labs, Inc., a cryptocurrency company that aims to decentralize religion by enabling creation of tens of thousands of online Metaverse churches that use Candle tokens (CNDL) for donations and other spiritual purposes.

“There are five reasons why candles are so important in religious ceremonies” says Safahi:

1) They represent light and enlightenment.

2) They are symbolic of Christ, the light of the world.

3) Candles represent a shared commitment to the faith by all those present at the ceremony.

4) The light from candles is a sign that God is present and blessing our efforts to live more faithfully.

5) Candles remind us that we need not fear darkness, for God is always there with us, even in times of trial and sorrow.

How Candles Represent Spiritual Meaning

Candles have been used for centuries in religious ceremonies and rituals. They are a symbol of spirituality and faith.

There are many religions that use candles in their practices, but there are some common themes that most faiths share. For example, “candles can be used to signify the presence of God or to represent a person’s intention to live as a good Christian or Muslim” says Safahi.

Candlelight is seen as a way to pierce the darkness of the night, just like how our spiritual beliefs were meant to pierce the darkness that is life.

“When someone’s life ends in candlelight, it is a symbol of hope and peace that someone has left this world, to enter the next” continues Safahi.

“Candles are often used in memorials or other times of mourning as well as in religious ceremonies, as part of a celebration or in prayer” adds Alan Safahi.

Are all Religions Accepting Candles?

Candles are a great way to get the perfect ambiance for any occasion. But not all religions approve of them.

In Judaism, candles can be used for both religious and secular purposes, as long as they are kept in a safe place when not in use.

In Islam, candles are forbidden unless they are used for decoration or in a mosque.

In Hinduism, some followers believe that lighting a candle can help to cleanse the soul and offer it peace after death.

The Catholic Church does not forbid the use of candles because it believes that there is no prohibition against their use in the Bible.


Candles are a very old invention that dates back thousands of years in connection with religious ceremonies as a symbol of spirituality and faith.

Candles are used in memorials or other times of mourning as well as in religious ceremonies, as part of a celebration or in prayer.

Originally Posted: https://medium.com/@AlanSafahi/the-role-of-candles-in-religious-ceremonies-3d9a81c1670f

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Religion in the 21st Century

 How is Religion Changing in the 21st Century?

The 21st century is a time of change. Technology is changing the way we live, and it's also changing the way we think about religion. Some people believe that technology has made religion irrelevant, while others believe that it's given them a new perspective on their faith.

“We are living in an age where technology is prevalent and accessible to everyone. And with the rise of social media and mobile devices, more people than ever before can access religious content whenever they want” according to San Francisco Entrepreneur, Investor and advisor Alan Safahi.

But it's not just access to information that has changed; there are other factors as well. For example, our understanding of religion is being influenced by cultural changes like globalization and urbanization.

In this section we will talk about how all these factors have led to changes in modern day religions, such as:

how religious thinking has changed as science has come to play a more important role in our society;

how new religions have arisen, like some of today’s popular religions;

and how modern day religion is linked with politics.

How Science Changes Religious Thinking

As science has come to play a more important role in our society, religious thinking has changed.

The world of science is one that is constantly changing and growing, and this can be hard for some people to grasp.

It can be difficult for some people to accept the idea that there are things in the world that have not yet been discovered or explained.

Many people find it easier to believe in a higher power or spiritual being than to accept that there are things about the universe or human life that cannot be explained.

This is because for many people, believing in something - anything - gives them comfort and hope.

Science has evolved from being a mere subject of study to being a way of life, and as it has come to play an increasingly important role in our society, people have begun to view religion differently.

In the past, science was seen as something that was separate from religion. It was an intellectual pursuit that had little bearing on anything that happened in the world. However, now science is seen as something that can be applied to our everyday lives and can help us understand how the world works. In this way, it becomes more difficult for people to believe in things like miracles or divine intervention because these things are not scientifically proven.

This change in thinking has led many people to stop believing in religion altogether because they see it as outdated and unable to adapt with the changing times.

The Rise of Popular Religions

Many religions have been created throughout history. Some of the most popular religions today, like Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, were all created in the past. New religions continue to be created every day. The new religions of today may not be as popular as Christianity or Islam but they are still important to those who follow them.

Some new religions are about nature and the environment. Others focus on dreaming and what happens when you sleep. Still others believe that animals have souls and deserve respect from humans too. These new faiths can teach us a lot about ourselves if we take the time to learn about them.

“Many of these modern day religions are now created online on Metaverse using NFTs and other Web3 tools provided by companies like Candle Labs (www.candlelabs.org) that enable simple and easy account creation and fast growth of followers without the real world restraints of physical building”.

“In the case of Candle Labs, they even provide a cryptocurrency token called CNDL that can be used for collecting donations and burning Candles after online prayers” says Safahi.

How Modern Day Religion is Linked with Politics

Religion, as we know it in the 21st century, is not the same as it was centuries ago. The old religions were more about rituals and customs, while the new religions are more about politics and power.

There are many different types of modern day religions that have been created by people across the world in different periods of time. Some people say that this is just an effect of modernization on religion, but others argue that these new religions are creating a divide among people and making them forget their common values.

Modern day religions have a unique relationship with politics that is different than what might be expected. It is not always negative and can even be beneficial for churches and governments. For example, it has been shown to benefit them by providing support with followers and volunteers for many causes, as well as funding extravagant buildings and events.

What are the Benefits of Religion for Humans?

Religion has been a part of human life for centuries. It has served as a means of finding meaning in life, as well as providing people with a sense of community and belonging.

There are many benefits to religion, including:

-Religion provides people with a sense of community and belonging.

-It provides people with meaning in life.

-It helps people cope with difficult times.

-It offers hope for the future.

How are we Defining Religious Freedom in the 21st Century?

The way we define religious freedom in the 21st century is a contentious issue. There are many different and often conflicting perspectives on what it means to be free in religion. This essay will explore some of these perspectives and try to answer the question: "What does religious freedom mean?"

“In an increasingly secular world, people are starting to see religion as a choice instead of an innate aspect of who they are” says Safahi. “This has led to people feeling that they have more freedom in their religious beliefs”.

“However, this perspective is not shared by all people, especially those who were raised with certain religions or faiths that were forced upon them” continues Safahi. “For these individuals, religious freedom may mean being able to practice their faith without pressure from outside forces like family members or society at large”.

Millennial Beliefs on Religion

In the 21st century, there is a growing number of millennials who are not religious. There are many reasons for this change. One reason is that millennials have grown up in an era when there has been more exposure to different religions and beliefs. They have also grown up in an era where they have seen more scientific discoveries and technological advances which may make them question the existence of a divine being.

Millennials are also less likely to be religious because they live in a time where they have access to more information than ever before on their smartphones and computers. This access makes it easier for them to research different religions without having to go into a church or temple or mosque. Millennials are also less likely to be religious because many of them grew up with divorced parents or parents who were never married in the first place.

Gen Z Beliefs on Religion

The Gen Z generation is a unique group of people. They are the first generation to grow up with the internet and social media. This has shaped their beliefs in religion and how it should work in the 21st century.

This generation is more exposed to religious teachings than any other before them. They are more likely to be exposed to religious teachings because of their upbringing, as well as through social media channels that they use on a daily basis, which makes them the ideal target for Metaverse churches.

Centralized vs. Decentralized Religions

The centralization of religion is a common practice in the modern world. The idea behind this is to make it easier for followers to find an answer to their spiritual questions. However, there are some disadvantages that come with centralization.

The centralized nature of religion means that all decisions are made by one authoritative body and all followers have to follow these rules without question. This can lead to suppression of individual beliefs and the imposition of certain values on society as a whole which may not be beneficial for everyone.

On the other hand, decentralized religion means that different religions exist side by side and there is no single authority or set of rules which followers must follow.

For example, Candle Labs offers their clients who wish to create their own Metaverse virtual church, to take advantage of CNDL governance tokens to enable their followers to democratically vote on all matters of significance to their church or house of worship.

This gives people more freedom in their spiritual practices and allows them to explore different beliefs and values without feeling pressured into following any one set of them.

Additionally, “it takes the power away from centralized, organized churches and empowers tens of thousands of smaller, more flexible and relevant churches that better cater to their followers’ spiritual needs” according to Alan Safahi.


Religions has evolved in the 21st century, catering to the ever changing needs of their constituents who crave a simpler, local and less centralized religious establishments that allows them to remain spiritual without the rules and corruption of the larger ones.

Centralized religion make it easier to follow a religious leader and allows them to keep the population under control. However, people don’t have a choice in what they believe and they can be easily brainwashed.

By decentralizing religion, companies like Candle, enable people to have more choice in what they believe and remove the power from the centralized religion to tens of thousands of smaller, geographically distributed online churches that can better connect with their younger followers. 

Originally Posted: https://safahi.com/religion-in-the-21st-century-b550a6812dc2