Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Guide to Online Invoicing for Small Businesses

Online invoicing has become an integral part of various businesses in numerous industries. According to Alan Safahi, an experienced entrepreneur in San Francisco, online invoicing allows companies to leverage built-in payment options.

Unlike paper invoices or emailed PDFs, online invoicing systems allows you to track payments and get paid efficiently and quickly. Today’s article will discuss online invoicing and its benefits for small businesses. Read on!

How Does Online Invoicing Work?

Online invoicing follows an innovative approach by sending consumers information or data digitally. You can find various online software solutions. However, choosing the right one that aligns with your business and financial goals is critical to improving your company’s bottom line.

Once you generate an invoice, a software solution notifies the customer via email. Not only does an online invoicing system lets the customer view the invoice, but it also supports digital payments.

In addition, Safahi says online invoicing can streamline your business billing processes. You can implement a system that tracks invoices and tell you whether the customers have viewed them. An ideal system also sends reminders or notifications to customers when the due date is close.

The best online invoicing system or software allows you to sort and organize paid and unpaid invoices. You can set up recurring bills without worrying about initiating new invoices.

Although invoicing is an integral feature of accounting software systems, Safahi recommends investing in tailored software with customization features to let your customers know that your company/brand is professional and offers unique payment services. Let us now discuss the advantages of online invoicing.

Advantages of Online Invoicing

Online invoicing offers a wide range of advantages for small businesses. For instance, you can generate immediate customer receipts. Your customers will receive digital invoices and pay quickly, cutting out the delivery time of offline methods. In addition, adding a link in the invoice is convenient, efficient, and reliable, streamlining your company’s cash flow.

If you want to streamline your business financial and accounting records, use an online invoicing system. You can find various software or tools that integrate accounting systems and consolidate record-keeping into a centralized location. Moreover, online invoicing helps you save time by spending less time tracking whether customers have paid invoices.

Disadvantages of Online Invoicing

Although online invoicing systems have several advantages, they have a few downsides. For instance, some invoicing tools or software systems require a monthly fee. So, if you have a limited budget, you will find it challenging to pay the monthly payment.

Remember, this is particularly problematic for small businesses. Another disadvantage of online invoicing is that spam filters hide invoices. For example, when you send invoices by email, the inbox service may tag them as spam. Therefore, your customers will wait for the invoices, especially if they are unaware of the spam folder.

Emails are highly vulnerable to hacking, meaning sending invoices via emails means a hacker may steal sensitive financial or personal information. Most people in the U.S have not adopted or acknowledged digital invoicing formats, meaning if your customers are not tech-savvy, you will find it challenging to send invoices online. So, you will have to use the traditional invoicing methods.

How to Choose the Best Online Invoicing System?

Although almost all invoicing software solutions offer tailored features, you must choose the one that aligns with your business or financial goals. For example, select a solution that accepts credit card and debit card payments, surface basic reports, customize invoices, and streamline the payment processing. The purpose is to improve the workflow and provide customers with the best experiences.

According to Alan Safahi Orinda, find a solution that lets you create new invoices and edit the existing ones. An ideal software enables you to customize the look and feel of the invoice to match your brand colors, logo, and tagline.

In addition, choose software that lets you update the invoice number, payment terms, product details, tax rates, customer information, and line items. For instance, you can hire a professional software development service to design an invoicing system that lets you add coupons, discounts, legal footers, and notes.

Moreover, customers expect a familiar and relevant payment experience. So, make sure the invoicing system is easy to use and intuitive. The purpose is to generate invoices with minimalist designs to avoid confusing customers, get paid faster, and support various methods, including ACH debit, ACH credit, checks, and bank transfers.

Final Words

Online invoices have become crucial for businesses in all industries, allowing them to neglect the traditional method and adopt a digital strategy to mitigate errors, ensure transparency, provide customers with reliable experiences, and improve their financial operations. Follow the tips and tricks above to choose the best online invoicing system for your small business.

Originally Posted:

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tips to Improve Productivity At Work

Productivity refers to measuring your business and financial performance. According to Alan Safahi, an experienced entrepreneur and a San Francisco-based startup company founder, productivity indicates how efficiently your employees, company, and financial activities work.

Wearing eighteen different hats, scrambling to complete deadlines, and answering hundreds of phone calls and emails can take a toll on your physical and mental health and deteriorate your workplace productivity.

For instance, instead of carrying out a bunch of tasks simultaneously, you should prioritize the most critical ones and follow a step-by-step approach to complete your project without hassle.

According to Alan Safahi Orinda, productivity improves your morale and employees' motivation, creating a business or organizational culture of excellence and a comfortable workplace environment. Here is how you can enhance productivity at work.

1. Complete Tasks in Batches

It takes a lot of time to get into a rhythm with a specific task or project. If you start and stop that task or process constantly or frequently, you will waste time and get back into your routine or rhythm where you left off.

So, if you find it challenging to complete a specific task on time, Alan Safahi recommends setting a block of time to carry out a specific task. Divide the large project into smaller chunks and work on a single objective at a time.

Set meetings with your employees back-to-back in the morning or afternoon and answer emails and voicemails for a chunk of time in the evening before you leave for home from the office.

2. Create an Exercise Routine

Successful entrepreneurs take a keen interest in improving their physical and mental wellbeing. Prioritizing yourself enables you to boost your energy levels and increase your metabolic processes.

Exercising for at least 30 minutes 4-5 times a week is essential to maintain mental health, stay sharp, and operate with good focus daily. Exercise improves your body functions and enhances cognitive skills, reduces stress, and increases blood flow to all organs, including the brain.

Thus, your brain releases serotonin and dopamine that maintain a positive mood and increase your concentration skills. Being physically and mentally fit is directly promotional to improving your productivity at work. You must also encourage your employees to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily.

3. Work Remotely

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many businesses to close their doors. However, there are numerous ways to streamline your business operations and maintain employees' productivity.

According to Alan Safahi, working remotely can increase productivity by completing more tasks efficiently and quickly. Although working in an office environment can foster collective resources and energy, it can hinder productivity.

On the other hand, encouraging your employees to work from home improves their productivity. At the same time, it reduces equipment costs, decreases employee turnover, and saves on office rental.

Moreover, you can access a more talented pool of employees, ensure fewer staff absences, allow your workers to have more flexible working hours, and reduce the carbon footprint to ensure sustainable practices.

4. Organize Your Work Environment

A growing body of research evidence shows that a well-organized and hygienic work environment is directly proportional to increased productivity levels. Less stuff can decrease stress and anxiety and let you and your team work more productively and efficiently.

In addition, when you have less clutter at the office, you will think more clearly and avoid wasting time searching for a missing or misplaced file or document. Therefore, staying organized is essential to increasing productivity at work.

Alan Safahi recommends setting goals, tracking progress, using an employee-oriented agenda, creating to-do lists, and limiting distractions can increase workplace productivity. At the same time, focus on keeping the environment clean, comfortable, and reliable for your employees.

For example, keep the windows and blinds open to ensure natural light comes in and air circulates properly. Keeping plants in the workplace is an excellent way to improve indoor air quality and your employees' moods.

5. Plan for the Unexpected

An unexpected interruption or an emergency situation can cause a lot of stress and anxiety if you have a tight schedule. As a result, you may not complete a project on time, leading to failures and financial instability.

Safahi recommends flexible time in your project calendar to streamline the process and avoid unexpected situations. Alan Safahi advises entrepreneurs and business leaders to develop contingency plans to respond to critical events that knock your company's original plans off track.

So, create a list of risks, measure risks based on likelihood and severity, identify daunting tasks, conduct a business impact analysis, and create a solid contingency plan. You must monitor the plan and distribute it among your employees. 

Originally Posted:

Thursday, September 22, 2022

How Develop Smart Goals as an Entrepreneur

 Not a single business, whether small or large, can survive in the market without a solid plan based on specific and relevant goals. Defining your business goals is crucial to improving commitment, diligence, and motivation among your team members and employees.

According to Alan Safahi, an experienced entrepreneur, professional business expert, and founder of a successful startup company, if you don’t have a business goal, you can’t start and run your company reliably, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

You may find this statement by Safahi a little bizarre, but research studies show that defining business goals motivate entrepreneurs to understand what they want to achieve. SMART refers to:

  • S: Specific
  • M: Measurable
  • A: Achievable
  • R: Realistic
  • T: Time-Bound

Smart goals foster clear and mutual understanding, leading to increased performance and efficient project completion. Today’s article will give you valuable information on smart goals and how to create them. Read on!


When setting a business goal, make sure it is specific and understandable. According to Alan Safahi, entrepreneurs must know what they want to accomplish. A specific goal is like a mission statement of your company. It does focus on the details of how you will meet this goal. Instead, it focuses on a few questions starting with the famous questions that begin with “W.”

Who: You must consider people who will work together to achieve this goal. Determining this is crucial, especially if a product you want to develop and launch involves a group of professionals from different fields.

What: Determine what you want to achieve and focus on the business, project, or product development details.

When: Although you will get more specific about “When” under the time-bound section when defining smart goals, Alan Safahi recommends setting a time frame at this stage is critical to streamlining the process.

Where: This question may not always apply, mainly if you run a small business. However, identify the locations at this stage to understand where you want to promote your products or services.

Which: Determine relevant requirements or obstacles because this can help you decide whether the goal you want to set is realistic.

Why: What is the reason for developing a specific goal? For example, you want to drive at least 2,000 people to your business website and convert 40% to 50% of the visitors into loyal customers.


What metrics will you use to determine if you can meet your business goal? According to Alan Safahi, “measurable” is an integral component of the smart strategy because it makes the goal more tangible.

Not only does it provide you with methods to measure progress, but you also identify risks and opportunities. For example, if you want to develop a software system that requires a few months to complete, set milestones and consider specific tasks you want to accomplish, such as designing, blueprinting, or coding.

Sometimes, entrepreneurs find measuring the goal or relevant data sources and collection techniques challenging. Alan Safahi recommends performing thorough research to identify data collection and measuring tools to evaluate your goal and develop a solid action plan.

Remember, measurement methods, such as client reviews, testimonials, and surveys, are qualitative. Likewise, you can also use quantitative techniques, such as productivity results, financial stability, money earned or saved, etc.


At this stage, you will determine the significance of the goal and find out whether the goal is attainable. Alan Safahi recommends performing thorough research to determine the steps you can take to achieve the goal.

Does achieving the goal require developing new skills, incorporating the latest technologies, and implementing sophisticated strategies, such as teamwork and communication tools? Likewise, answer the following questions:

  • How do I accomplish the goal?
  • What skills do I need to streamline the process?
  • Can I achieve the goal?
  • If not, how can I optimize the process?


Relevance focuses on something that makes sense. It is an integral part of your business strategy, especially when defining your company or product development goals. For instance, if your objective is to launch a new product or service, you must focus on strategies and tools that align with your business.


According to Alan Safahi, making your goals time-bound is the most critical step when following a smart strategy. The purpose is to determine whether you can accomplish your business goal within a specific time-frame.

Safahi advises entrepreneurs to provide a target date for deliverables, discuss the requirements with their team members or employees, and ask questions about the deadline and techniques/tools they can use to complete the project.

For example, if your goal is to complete a software project in six months, define what you will achieve halfway through the process. Lastly, provide time constraints and develop a sense of urgency to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Originally Posted:

Monday, September 19, 2022

Reasons Entrepreneurs Fail to Run Startups

 According to Alan Safahi Orinda, a professional and experienced business expert, entrepreneurship is an excellent way to ditch your 9-5 job and start a business to achieve financial stability and build a brand reputation. However, many entrepreneurs fail to run their startup companies. Today’s article will highlight the mistakes or reasons entrepreneurs make to experience failure. Read on!

1.   Not Having a Business Partner

Starting and running a startup is challenging, especially when you set it up alone in a competitive niche or industry. Alan Safahi, a successful entrepreneur, says it requires commitment, sheer dedication, and hard work.

So, if you lack entrepreneurial knowledge, setting yourself on this road alone can lead to complexities. Setbacks and blows make it challenging to tackle all processes alone. Therefore, having a business partner or team lets you receive insights from different mindsets.

Alan Safahi recommends working with a co-founder to establish a sophisticated plan. However, before choosing a co-founder, you must perform a SWOT analysis. Assess your potential partners on various factors to determine whether they can achieve in stressful situations.

2.   A Complex Business Plan

A startup company requires building a business model and sticking to it to succeed. A business model is the backbone of your company. However, Safahi says this requires your utmost attention.

If you develop a complicated business model with unnecessary details, you will set wrong goals, create confusion, and establish poor or unachievable benchmarks. The good news is that Sahafi recommends reasonable solutions to avoid these problems.

Safahi advises new entrepreneurs to create a concise plan by hiring a business planning professional. Likewise, obtain valuable feedback from all potential investors and seek constructive criticism before finalizing your plan. Review your strategy from time to time and look for the scope of improvement to streamline your business plan.

3.   Delaying Product Launch

Many startup companies wait too long for a product launch. According to Alan Safahi, the scope of what you have built fizzles out by the time your product reaches the market.

Therefore, spending too many resources and time to make your product stand out can lead to severe consequences. At the end of the day, you will experience adverse outcomes.

Therefore, you must not wait months to introduce your product’s prototype or the final version. Alan Safahi Orinda CA recommends not underestimating the value of your product’s prototype, even if the initial version has loopholes or problems.

When you launch the minimal viable product in the market and collect feedback from your targeted audience, you can analyze the data and gain insights. You can use these insights to make informed decisions and positively modify your product. Therefore, launching your minimal viable product earlier is essential.

4.   Not Collecting Customer Feedback

Not collecting feedback from your existing or prospective customers is one of the most significant reasons startups fail on the market. After launching the initial version of your product, take user feedback and welcome the negative reviews. If you fail to focus on customer feedback, you will not understand what changes you need to make for a successful product.

According to Alan Safahi, staying open to negative reviews or feedback, analyzing the root cause of your customers’ concerns, and modifying the product can help you stay competitive in the market. Safahi advises entrepreneurs to remain open and honest about the progress while making changes to their products.

5.   Ineffective Hiring Strategy

Employees are a core asset of your startup company. Your business goals, project success rates, and product quality depend on your employees’ skills and productivity. Therefore, you must hire skilled and experienced people.

According to Safahi Orinda, most startup businesses compromise in these areas and shortlist candidates with fewer skills to save money on salaries. Although this strategy can save you money for a short time, you will experience financial losses due to consumer complaints in the future.

The most optimal solution is planning your recruitment and hiring strategy. Develop a robust employee background checking and screening strategy and select people with experience and skills relevant to the job positions.

Check the employees’ backgrounds, references, educational credentials, and track records. Determine the strengths and skills needed for specific roles and implement a solid training program to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Monday, September 12, 2022

How to Improve Your Coupon Marketing Strategy

Saving money on purchasing a product or service is customers’ primary objective. Most businesses, including small-medium companies, offer discounts or coupons to attract buyers and streamline business processes. Research shows that 92% of online shoppers search for a coupon. 

According to Alan Safahi Orinda, professional marketers and entrepreneurs, coupons are valuable for online businesses because they inspire consumers to act and buy products. Small companies must leverage the power of coupons to improve their business processes and build brand reputation. 

Inmar Intelligence research highlights that 54% of people purchase products or services from a new business because they are affordable. Likewise, 35% look for digital coupons before buying a product. 

According to GoDaddy, developing a reliable coupon marketing strategy is critical to target your target audience. For instance, you must identify whether your target audience uses email, social media, or texts. 

A coupon campaign that uses timeliness, relevance, and perceived value can boost exposure, improve brand reputation, and enhance customer follow-through. Today’s article will list the best ways to improve your coupon marketing strategy. 

Establish a Customer Reward Program

According to Alan Safahi, reward programs are an excellent way to increase customer loyalty. Customers receive exclusive gifts, discounts, or offers in exchange for consistently buying your products. 

So, this provides value and lets customers save money. Safahi says the long consumers stay loyal to your company, the higher their lifetime value is, leading to increased revenues. 

Fortune Business Insights reveals that loyalty programs will grow from $4.43 billion in 2022 to $18 billion in 2028. Safahi says this is due to machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence, and predictive modeling techniques that provide companies with valuable insights and use strategies to attract customers. 

Offer special discounts to reward customer loyalty. You can throw in additional perks like a complimentary service or product when a customer hits a specific milestone. For example, you can send a “Thank you Product” when a customer remains loyal to your company for six to twelve months. 

Add Discounts to Lead Magnets 

Lead magnets are powerful tools to attract customers. Not only are lead magnets flexible, but they also offer various incentives based on your business niche and customers’ needs. 

For instance, you can provide your customers with a resource guide, a checklist, a webinar, or an eBook in exchange for sharing their email addresses. A discount offer is the most popular type of lead magnet, allowing subscribers to save money on a future purchase. 

According to Boston Consulting Group, 90% of consumers share their email addresses if they get a discount or coupon. Therefore, Alan Safahi Orinda recommends offering an email coupon to make the most of your lead magnets. 

Put an Expiration Date on the Coupon

Putting an expiration date on the coupon is an excellent way to improve its value. A limited-time offer is a coupon or discount customers can access within a specific duration. For instance, you can set availability to a few days or weeks. 

The primary goal is to encourage customers to purchase your company’s products before the expiration date on the coupon. Alan Safahi calls this a scarcity marketing strategy because it gives consumers the perception that a product or service is more desirable now. 

In addition, putting an expiration date on the coupon tends to pop up during special times of the year, such as Christmas or holidays. It is an excellent approach to attract customers and streamline their buying journey. 

Customers thoroughly research and narrow their options before landing on your website to see the coupon codes or discounts. So, they understand your company’s value and purchase your products at a discount. 

Alan Safahi says conducting thorough research to see the types of offers other businesses offer consumers. The purpose is to provide special discounts and coupons to your customers and stand out from the competition. 

It would help if you found a way to go one step further. For instance, if your competitor offers free shipping on their first purchase, you can do the same and add a small gift. So, this is an excellent way to stand out from the competition and achieve your goals. 

Final Words 

Coupon marketing strategies are reliable for small businesses to improve their bottom line. However, these strategies work well with other methods. Relying solely on coupons or discounts is not a good idea because it can cost you money and negatively affect your business. 

Combine your coupon marketing with social media, online, and offline advertising strategy to attract more customers and improve their desire to save more money on purchasing your products. Increased sales mean higher profits and ROIs. Follow the tips and tricks above to achieve your goals. 

Originally Posted:

Friday, September 9, 2022

How to Improve Employee Retention

There are numerous reasons your employees are leaving your company. According to Alan Safahi Orinda, a professional entrepreneur, inadequate salary, uncompetitive perks, benefits package, limited career advancement, and lack of recognition are the primary reasons a company has lower retention rates. 

Safahi says effective employee retention saves your company from productivity losses. It employs more engaged workers who work diligently and dedicatedly to improve your business’s bottom line. So, how do you improve your employees’ retention rates? Today’s article will answer this question based on Safahi’s recommendations. Read on! 

1.  Hire the Right Talent

Hiring the right candidate for a particular position eliminates the need to search for additional professionals. Employees who are a good fit for your company develop their skills and improve their performance in your organization.

According to Alan Safahi, recruiters and hiring managers ensure that the job description and company culture are clear to facilitate the onboarding process. Only when employees are satisfied and enthusiastic will you be able to retain them. 

Encourage and actively listen to employee feedback, provide ongoing training, and build a mentoring culture to increase employee retention rates. Safahi says retaining employees is more significant than hiring them. 

Candidate loyalty is one of the most desirable traits for employers to have productive and skilled employees. Therefore, you must create a solid strategy and thoroughly analyze the situation from time to time to achieve your goals. 

2.          Focus on Employees Training 

As part of an ongoing performance evaluation, you can help employees identify areas for professional development, such as the need to learn new skills. Employee development is critical today as technology continues changing the work. 

Safahi says skills development is the acquisition of new competencies and capabilities in response to changing business needs. Make it a priority to invest in your employees’ professional development. Provide time to attend virtual conferences, compensate for the cost of training, or pay for continuing education. 

3.          Improve Communication 

The transition to hybrid and remote work has highlighted the importance of good communication in the workplace. Your direct reports need to feel they can come to you anytime with ideas, questions, or concerns, whether local or remote. 

As a boss, you need to make sure that you are contributing to the development of timely, constructive, and positive communication throughout the team. Keep in contact with each team member to monitor their workload and satisfaction levels. 

If the team is disorganized, engagement will not increase. Without attention, the workplace looks boring. Therefore, team-building activities are essential to improve team cohesion. 

Safahi says suitable team-building activities include holding unofficial social events, conducting systematic brainstorming sessions, explaining roles, and creating a good work culture that eliminates micromanagement.

4.          Implement a Reward System 

Rewarding and recognizing employees can increase employee engagement, improve retention, and create a more positive workplace atmosphere. Implementing a reward and recognition program can lead to increased employee engagement, which can benefit your company, including increased productivity and staff retention.

Create an effective management system based on implementing strategies and policies to reward all employees in a company fairly and consistently. Rewarding employees for good work makes them feel valued, increases motivation and increases business productivity and success.

According to Alan Safahi Orinda, founder of a San Francisco-based company, reward systems motivate employees to achieve goals and organizational objectives in exchange for rewards. 

While reward systems are a great way to encourage employees, you can also motivate them by proving themselves to the organization. In addition, reward systems reduce absenteeism in an organization.

5.          Ensure Flexible Work Arrangements 

A flexible system is an arrangement or schedule separate from the traditional work day and hours. Employees can choose a different work schedule to meet their personal or family needs. Alternatively, employers can initiate various plans to meet the needs of their customers.

A flextime system allows employees to negotiate a less rigid work schedule to improve their work/life balance and overall contribution to the company. A flextime system changes the terms and conditions of an employee’s employment. 

It allows for a better work-life balance and provides other rights and protections for employees to streamline their personal and work-related tasks. The purpose is to improve employee retention rates and achieve success. You can consider: 

Final Words 

Employee retention is daunting, frustrating, and time-consuming. It requires you to make substantial efforts and create solid strategies focusing on the above factors. In addition, you must emphasize your organization’s culture, acknowledgment at the workplace, and provide your employees with benefits.  An optimal workplace environment, ongoing training, and aligning mission, vision, and values with training and development can lead to success. Follow these five strategies to achieve your goals.

Originally Posted:

Monday, September 5, 2022

Crucial Qualities of A Successful Entrepreneur

Alan Safahi, a San Francisco-based business owner and a highly qualified, experienced, and skilled entrepreneur, entrepreneurship is a rewarding career that gives you work-life autonomy and helps you achieve financial stability. 

It streamlines your leadership qualities, ensures a flexible schedule, strengthens corporate connections, and increases your satisfaction. Here are the five crucial attributes of a successful entrepreneur, according to Alan Safahi Orinda


Confidence is an essential and hallmark quality of a successful entrepreneur. According to Safahi Orinda, not everyone is born with self-confidence. However, this does not mean people can have confidence. 

Many confident men and women create a sense of self-confidence by facing challenges and developing strategies to fix the problems. There are numerous ways to increase your self-confidence. These include embracing discomfort, learning from setbacks, learning the art of saying “No,” celebrating small achievements, and seeking out mentorship. 

A Sense of Ownership

A successful entrepreneur has a strong sense of ownership. According to Safahi, you can become a successful entrepreneur when you focus on streamlining your business operations and pay attention to things. 

Instead of viewing an issue like someone else, you should see it as your own and make substantial efforts to find a solution. The purpose is to leave things in better shape and improve situations instead of leaving them unattended. 

Communication Skills 

A successful entrepreneur recognizes all critical aspects of a business and focuses on human resources, whether in the form of strategic partners, employees, or customers. Your communication skills can make or break your business. 

Therefore, to become a thriving entrepreneur, improve your communication skills to strengthen relationships with people. Safahi recommends honing your communication skills, including spoken, written, and non-verbal messages conveyed through effective body language. 

Leverage essential resources and tools, including public speaking classes, telecom technology, cutting-edge computer technology, neurolinguistic programming grants, and search engine optimization. 

Team Player 

Your business will thrive when you have a team of professionals with diverse skills. These people can contribute to individual ideas, identify issues, and solve problems. A successful entrepreneur is a team player and collaborates within a group to resolve issues. 

Brainstorming is an excellent opportunity for you to exchange ideas with your team and develop creative ways of doing things. In addition, communicate constructively with everyone in your company, including employees, coworkers, partners, customers, and other stakeholders. 

Not Afraid of Risks

The fear of taking risks is one of the most significant causes of business failure. According to Alan Safahi, every time you take a risk, you put yourself and your business on the line. However, taking risks can pay off with incredible success and help you achieve your goals. 

A successful entrepreneur accepts risks as a cost of opportunity. Although you must not be afraid of taking risks, make sure you evaluate the entire situation and perform possible calculations to proceed to the next step. Identify, analyze, prioritize, treat, and monitor the risk for proper management.

Originally Posted: