Friday, October 30, 2020

Online Reputation Management and Impact on Job

 You’ve been having a hard time keeping up with the social media because of that post that recently trashed your services? Or, you’re unsure how to keep customers coming to your space for what you offer after a negative review by a previous client? 

Don’t fret! Digital marketing entrepreneur Alan Safahi is here to help. Find out all you need to know about Online Reputation Management (ORM) in this post!

Online reputation management is fast becoming a principal niche in the world of internet marketing. A fragment of social media marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), ORM is a niche that is critically important for keeping your brand away from a reputational crunch.

Building positive awareness about brands does not come easily. It often requires a lot of time, effort and expenses. You determine how far your business goes by how much you do to generate positive reviews. If customers aren’t satisfied and they flood the internet with  negatives concerning your brand, your case might end up being a sorry tale.

As a business owner, Alan Safahi says you should take your online reputation seriously because, in reality, it is your top marketing priority. It primarily entails building positive feedbacks and providing responses to negative thoughts about your brand in online chats. It also involves minimizing the effect of dissenting publicity by snuffing out detrimental web pages that appear in Google search results.

To start with, negative publicities against your brand are as powerful as your company size. So, you may want to take extra caution if you’re running a large business. 

Although every company has the tendency to be affected by negative publicities on the internet, irrespective of Size. 

Negative publicity goes beyond bad press displaying in Google search results. Social sites too are a battleground for campaigns relating to online brand protection, especially now that online discussions are on the increase. 

If, for instance, a disappointed customer goes up on Twitter and drops a damaging tweet concerning your brand, the chances of losing more customers will definitely skyrocket.

Online Reputation Management helps you get honest reviews from customers and locate every platform your brand is being spoken about on. This way, you can increase the volume of positive reviews and tune down the negative ones. As Alan Safahi puts it, Online Reputation Management is the brand owner’s way to achieve greater success.

What’s more, you stand the chance to appear on the first page of Google search results when your brand review is filled with positive content and a good reputation. This will help you drive more traffic to your site and, of course, this means more customers.

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Monday, October 26, 2020

SEO Versus SEM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has to do with upgrading contents so that they can be found in search engine results. Search engines consider quite a number of factors before they rank sites for search results. Some of these factors include content, keywords, backlinks, reviews and others. Search engine optimization can either be onsite or off-site. The essence of SEO for web pages is to enhance the traffic from search engines. 

While Search Engine Optimization helps a web page get visibility, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) does the same but takes it further. SEM involves SEO strategies and more. They are both digital marketing strategies but SEO is a subset of SEM”  according to San Francisco businessman Alan Safahi, a digital marketing and SEO expert. 

SEM as a digital marketing strategy serves the purpose of helping websites gain visibility in search engines. In SEM, this can be achieved in two ways: SEO and paid advertising

SEO generates organic traffic. SEO strategies do not require any form of payment. Whether you choose to improve onsite SEO strategies such as the contents, appropriate use of keywords, captivating titles, the appropriate use of diagrams and images, or you choose off-site optimization strategies like inbound links, featured snippets, etc, you won’t incur much cost. Here, no statutory financial commitments are made. 

SEM has a broader scope. It envelopes Search engine optimization strategies PLUS another aspect of digital marketing which is PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising. Here, statutory financial commitments are made as it goes beyond organic search results to include paid search results. In short, paid advertising involves purchasing the space you need in search engine results when queries are made. It removes your page from the queue created by other web pages competing for organic search results.

 This is apparently an advantageous point for any website but it is only so for as long as the payment continues. “In the long run, paid advertising may turn out to be a disadvantage because the ranking only runs on a contract basis. While organic results earned through SEO strategies last for a longer period of time” according to Alan Safahi.

Another important difference to note is the speed and effectiveness that each method provides. SEM produces speedy results. This is basically because of the Pay-per-click advertising. “Once payments are made, you can expect to have your rankings as soon as possible while SEO will take a longer period and of course, more hard work and consistency before you can have your desired rankings” adds Alan Safahi.

In the long run, however, SEO could turn out to be more effective and sustainable. Starting and continuing the strategies that enhance SEO has the potential of improving your site’s search engine results and keeping it that way for a long time, without payments. 

It is good to note that both Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing are effective ways of improving search results. What web page owners should do while deciding which is better for their webpages is to consider their own marketing goals. Do they need traffic on the website fast and for a period of time or would they rather have constant traffic? This would go a long way in helping them decide which strategy is better for their webpage.

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Get Rid Negative links and live Happier Life

Most people would agree that the best way to live is to shut out all forms of negativity from your life, but, in today’s online world. where bad news is instantly shared with the whole world, it is difficult to experience sustained bliss, until all negative links on the web are removed completely (or at least pushed way, way down the pages of Search Engine Result Pages.

In this post, Alan Safahi, San Francisco businessman and SEO expert, will share a few ways to get rid of negative links, controlling what is being said about you and controlling your online reputation.

Everyone wants a happy life and no one wants a life surrounded of negativity, so why put up or ignore various negative links online that may damage your reputation?

Here are a few ways that Alan Safahi suggests you can get rid of negative links and live a happier life;

  • Set up your goals and  make getting rid of negative links a priority.  It’s very easy to say you want to get rid of negative links, but it takes effort to really achieve this, so make this a priority, this way you will be able to put in enough energy and effort into achieving this goal. 
  • Do your research and tabulate a list of all negative links in a spreadsheet , along with their position on the SERP.
  • Contact the webmaster of the site t with the negative links or the author of the negative post and ask them to remove the link. It is sometimes as easy as that and there is no harm in asking, according to Alan Safahi .
  • If the link is not removed within a couple of weeks, contact Google and submit a request to disavow the link if the post violates their policies.
  • Consider taking legal actions against the site if they are breaking any laws such as privacy laws.

In addition to the above steps, there are also a few things you can do in general to live happy and positive life, according to happiness guru Alan Safahi:

  • Start thinking positively 

Thinking positively is the first step  to getting rid of negative links because it takes the negative emotions out of the way and puts you on the logical and rational path of getting rid of the negative links. Someone who thinks positively is always happy even when there is nothing to be happy about.

  • Be mindful of the company you keep 

Bad company, they say, corrupts good morals so you have to surround yourself with people of like mind. If you keep people that always preach negativity around you, there won’t be a way for you to avoid negative thoughts, but if you surround yourself with people that think positively, you will be influenced into thinking positively instead of doing otherwise.

  • Set boundaries 

This might be a bit difficult to carry out, but it’s a little price to pay for salvation. When someone is always bringing negative vibes around, You have to avoid such a person and set a boundary for them,  even if it might cost you your relationship with that person, your happiness is the most important thing. 

  • Speak positively

When you constantly proclaim a certain idea, it becomes reality and an important part of you, so speak positivity into existence.  It Is counterproductive to think positively but speak negatively.  You have to express your positive thoughts verbally with the confidence that it would happen, says Alan Safahi.

  • Practice positivity

“Spreading positive joy in everyday life and acknowledging the goodness in others, creates a positive source of energy or Karma that boomerangs back to help you feel even more energized and fulfilled” according to Alan Safahi.

 Whether online or offline, it should always be one’s goal to live a happy life free of negativity and any forms of bad energy.  Zoroastrians believe, good thoughts, good words and good deeds are necessary to ensure happiness in life.  Alan Safahi believes that they also make life a lot more interesting and rewarding.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Basics SEO for an Enterprise Company Website

It is very common to find entrepreneurs who find it difficult to locate their target audience, or reach out to potential customers. It goes without saying that for entrepreneurs, locating their target audience is  important to the overall success of the business. It is good news then to discover that search engine optimization can contribute majorly to businesses.

According to expert, Alan Safahi, ‘The new generation of consumers prefer discovery through online digital media using their smartphones or the web’. This said, how do you, a business owner engage search engine optimization in scaling your company. Here are the basics:

1. Featured Snippets:

There is something about other platforms engaging your contents that gives it credibility. Getting your contents used as featured snippets will draw your audience closer to you. Your audience here are most likely to become your customers. To earn featured snippets, you may have to work harder on your contents. This is necessary because this space is competitive. Your contents have to attract the needed attention. You can achieve this by using short paragraphs, diagrams and tables. 

2. Keywords Maximization:

When Search engine optimization is involved, keywords are as important as the contents. It doesn’t matter the quality of the content, if the keywords are poorly used, your page might not show up in search results. Words that are relevant to your enterprise should be generously and strategically infused into the contents of your website. Alan Safahi Entrepreneur believes that entrepreneurs should make use of keywords that generate quality content with low search volume. Entrepreneurs are thus advised to create their contents around the keywords. 

3. Use a Progressive Web App:

While this might seem like an aggressive step, it may turn out to be all the difference your business needs. A Progressive Web App works more like a mobile app. It is user friendly and very easy to access. Users, who are definitely potential customers, can easily click on this app on their desktop’s home page or on their smartphones. They don’t even have to know the address of your website, a single click on their phones and computers could send them straight to your website and of course, your enterprise. 

What’s more amazing about this strategy is that it has the potential of keeping your customers loyal, since they do not have to search all the time to access your site.

4. Avoid Broken links and Other Technical Difficulties:

The least you can do is to make your website easy to navigate. You should make sure that users do not experience difficulties while they are trying to access your site. Such potential difficulties as broken links that lead them nowhere are capable of creating huge question marks on your enterprise’s credibility. 

Also, texts that host your inbound links should be relevant to the link, says SEO expert, Alan Safahi.

5. Make Use of Voice Search Engine Optimization:

This is a cutting edge strategy for good reason. More users are embracing this search mechanism and few websites have adopted it. Adopting this strategy sets you above a good number of competition.

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Monday, October 12, 2020

Strategies For New and Growing Companies

Most small company entrepreneurs, particularly those people who have just launched a new brick and mortar business, try to acquire customers via traditional advertisement, phone sales or by word of mouth.

The new generation of consumers, however, prefer discovery through online digital media using their smartphones or the web, says Alan Safahi, San Francisco Bay Area entrepreneur, businessman and startup advisor.

Search engines like Google or Bing play a big part in that discovery and It is therefore crucial for any small or growing company to have a well planned Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy for customer acquisition, says Alan Safahi.

SEO may be a new concept for most entrepreneurs but it does not need to be as complicated as it sounds. One can promote his or her business by following a few simple strategies:

The important portion of the inbound marketing policy which is an initial step for an SEO strategy. You are likely to find out the entire description of a particular industry with the help of the keyword tool of Google Search Console after creating an account there.

You should then look for those keywords which provide you lots of quality content with low search volume, according to Alan Safahi. It is rather easy to grade the website that has lower search volumes, so opt for small and broad keywords and phrases.

A website is more likely to be ranked higher when one decides to target keywords and sentences containing more words which are meaningful which will bring more people to your site, thus increasing your product sales significantly.

A fundamental function of SEO is the process of improving the quantity and quality of website traffic reaching a particular site. Google SEO is a search engine that gathers relevant information from all the websites present and provides it to the user. Whenever a user searches on Google, it collects the required details from different available websites and delivers it to the user.

The various tools of search engines like crawlers, spiders and many others help search engines build their databases.

The search engines like Google and Bing rank websites based on their own proprietary algorithms and only websites with relevant content are exhibited in the top pages, says Alan Safahi. Therefore, you should not waste time getting information from non-credible websites but rather look for content from the most relevant sites to your business and watch your website traffic grow!

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Social Media vs Online Reputation Management

 Many of today’s consumers spend the majority of their time on social media. It’s become easier than ever for businesses or individuals to get feedback on their products and services, and to increase their exposure online. However, negative feedbacks are as commonplace as positive ones, and their detrimental effects are immense.

“Instead of eradicating negative feedback (which is near impossible to do), you can manage negative sentiments that already exist and replace them with positive ones” according to Alan Safahi, Orinda, CA entrepreneur and an expert in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Online Reputation Management (ORM).

Managing Negative Sentiments on Social Media

Social strategy creation:

Set up pages and create profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn, and if your brand requires it, get an account on platforms like Pinterest and Instagram also (though Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn are enough for a solid business start).

After setting up accounts, develop a strategy for your social media. The approach for each platform differs, just like the content. So, you might need a lot of time to create workable strategies for each account. Keep in mind that your strategy has to be something that works well for your brand.

The approach for each platform differs, just like the content. So, you might need a lot of time to create workable strategies for each account. Keep in mind that your strategy has to be something that works well for your brand, no fluff.

When it comes to responding to negative posts, read all the negative comments carefully. Some comments are better left alone (haters will be haters), so you don’t have to respond to ALL comments but if you choose to respond, do so in a timely fashion.

Make sure to stay positive and be transparent in your response and continue the conversation privately after responding publicly.

According to Alan Safahi, you should never argue with the clients, “just acknowledge their point of view and present, in a rational way, yours”.

Alan Safahi suggests that you ask them for recommendations on how to solve the issue. It often reduces anger and puts the customer in charge of coming up with solutions which is a logical decision rather than an emotional one.

Next, you can proceed to consider your content and things like the type of posts you would upload, how often you would upload them, and so on.

An active presence on social media:

Your brand sells at the extent to which your social media pages are active. Customers are likely to forget you exist if your pages are all dormant and boring.

Once you’ve completed developing your strategy and deciding all that needs to be decided, make your social media presence your top priority. You might need an account manager to manage your accounts which would be money well spent, according to Alan Safahi.

“Consumers, especially online, love consistency, and it shows poorly when they come to your page hoping to get relevant information but don’t find it” says Alan Safahi,

“If you’re going to build a positive reputation for your brand, you need to keep your followers updated regularly”.

Build Conversations, and Monitor them:

Users engage every post you drop on social media, especially when they’re interesting and relatable. They deserve responses.

Of course, your responses should be as timely as possible too. Build conversations with all followers and be sure to monitor them too. This will help you keep track of negative comments and respond to them accordingly.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Backlink Techniques and How They Work

 Backlinks are links to another website, web page, or web directory and are a critical part of any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy, also referred to as Off-Page SEO.

Backlinks are created when we want to link our website into another website; they are also known as inbound links, incoming links and inward links.

Backlinks play a different role between two web pages. It is used to link your website to an external page. If any website gets a backlink from a highly ranked and good quality website then the webpage also transfers the authority from the weak web page. Thus, getting backlinks from a webpage with high traffic will refer some of that traffic to the low quality page.

Why are links so important?

Inbound links are one of the most important factors for getting a high keyword ranking. Outbound links to quality and pertinent sites are important as long as they add value to the site visitor’s experience. “It is not the quantity of links but the quality of those links that are very important” according to Alan Safahi, payment executive, entrepreneur and startup founder.

As a world renowned SEO Adviser, Alan Safahi provides the following backlinks techniques that shed light on the subject of Off-Page SEO:

Spread Content – Using social media properties like Facebook, instagram, LinkedIn, to spread contents is the most effective way to increase exposure for the web site.

The amount of social activity that a webpage has on social networks (shares, likes, comment) is that important factor in that page’s eligibility to rank on Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).

Additionally, using email to spread content will also help bring more people to your website and increase your website’s visibility, pushing your listing to the top of the SERP.

Manually Built Links: – This is type link building in which you create links by contacting “influencers” and approaching them to promote your website and related content in their profile. This process of manually building links is an effective technique for getting additional links and customers to your website.

Self-Created Links: Alan Safahi explains that self-created links are techniques usually reserved for the most experienced SEO experts and require a great deal of practicing. In this technique, you register your website in directory submissions, forum submissions, blog submissions, guest posting and classified submissions.

In this technique you will use Anchor Text (clickable text in a hyperlink) which is relevant for both your internal links and your incoming external links.

Alan Safahi highly recommends that you use relevant text to the page you are linking to in your anchor text rather than generic text.

“Two way” or “Reciprocal” link building used to be a part of self-created link strategy. Under this type of link building, two similar websites would exchange links with each other. The concept was simple: “you point to me and I point to you”. This method has become outdated and no longer is pursued up by most SEO experts.

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