Monday, November 29, 2021

Planting Trees on Ocean Floor to Fight Climate Change

The Earth is at a tipping point. Our planet’s temperature has risen 1 degree Celsius since the industrial age, and if we do not act soon, the world will face catastrophic consequences.

We cannot afford to wait any longer. The majority of climate change deniers are those who have been solely benefiting from the status quo — those with privilege, those who have been benefiting from dirty energy sources. It is time for us as a global community to come together and make a difference before it is too late.

Alan Safahi: The oceans are currently absorbing about one-quarter of the carbon dioxide that human activities are emitting into the atmosphere. But as oceans go deeper, they have a harder time being able to absorb any more CO2.

One solution to save ourselves from climate change is to plant trees deep underwater. This can help reduce atmospheric CO2 levels and prevent some of the worst impacts of climate change, while still leaving plenty of space for human life on land.

The idea is that planting trees deep underwater will help absorb CO2 emissions and help maintain our current energy system without requiring large alterations in everyday life like giving up driving or eating meat.

Trees are excellent carbon sinks and plant life, but they lack oxygen to grow at an optimal level when submerged underwater for too long. However, scientists have found a way to combat this by growing plants in flooded greenhouses using hydroponics and nutrient solutions. This innovative idea is sure to provide a sustainable solution to the devastating effects of global warming.

How Planting Trees in the Ocean Will Improve the Environment

A new way to improve the environment is through oceanic plantings. The trees will be planted in the ocean, and this would help improve the health of marine life. The plants will also be able to grow on salt water, meaning that they could also be used for other bodies of water where plants cannot grow well.

The plants will help improve the environment because they will provide food sources for animals in the oceans, as well as offer them shade. They are also expected to filter pollutants from the water, meaning that it would be less polluted than before these plants were introduced. This means that animals can now live healthier lives without worrying about pollution coming from humans or other sources.

The Plant Trees on the Ocean Floor Idea and What Challenges It Faces

The idea of planting trees on the ocean floor as a way to combat climate change has been around for decades. However, there are still plenty of questions that need to be answered before this idea becomes a reality.

For example, what impact would the roots have on marine life? How could we protect these underwater forests from poaching?

The world’s oceans are increasingly becoming more polluted, warmer, and more acidic. These changes in the water could be disastrous to the marine ecosystem.

Plants that grow underwater can help combat these changes by absorbing carbon dioxide and helping to keep the pH levels balanced.

Positive impacts of oceanic plantings

Oceanic plantings are an important part of improving the quality of our oceans because they provide habitat for marine life. They also provide oxygen production through photosynthesis. Lastly, they are an important part to improving water quality in the oceans by capturing pollutants in their roots and leaves.

The physical oceanic planting of plants is the practice of bringing terrestrial plants into the ocean by using boats, kayaks, or other vessels. It may also refer to the planting of saltwater tolerant plants on coastal land.

The practice is thought to date back thousands of years to when Polynesian settlers moved from island to island across the Pacific Ocean. The first documented evidence was found in 1931 on Palmyra Atoll which was once inhabited by Polynesian settlers. The H.M.S. Beagle made contact with inhabitants on the uninhabited atoll who introduced Captain Fitzroy to a variety of palms that they had planted there centuries before that were still thriving in 1839 when they stopped by again on their way home from South America.


The Earth as we know it is at the precipice of a major change. The human population has become so large and its demands on the environment so unsustainable that we are now in danger of crossing a threshold and triggering irreversible consequences for life on this planet: climate change, ocean acidification, and mass extinction.

There are many countries in the world which are at risk to climate change. If we do not take any action in the near future, then these countries will have huge problems in the future. We should start planting trees on the ocean floor.

Planting trees on the ocean floor would help to save land from disasters, while still leaving plenty of room for human life to grow.

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Alan Safahi
is an entrepreneur, investor, advisor, futurist and amateur freedom fighter.

​Safahi is a Principal at Safahi Global Advisor, an Orinda, California advisory and consulting firm specializing in banking, financial services, Fintech, money transfer and cryptocurrencies.

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