Monday, June 13, 2022

Marketing for Small Businesses in 2022

Marketing is an integral part of your overall business strategy. According to Alan Safahi Orinda, a successful entrepreneur and owner of a growing startup in San Francisco, effective marketing is essential to small business survival and achieving its full potential.

Although most small business owners think of marketing as placing ads, it is broader than advertising. Safahi says marketing involves strategies to communicate with customers, present a message to the target audience, understand consumers’ needs and wants, and influence perceptions.

Why is Marketing Important?

Businesses of all types and sizes need customers. Marketing is the process of attracting customers, engaging them via valuable content, improving your brand loyalty, increasing sales, and generating higher returns on investments.

It involves various aspects of your company and is fundamental to retaining existing customers and reaching new ones. Safahi says understanding the ins and outs of marketing can you develop a solid strategy, reach your target audience, and increase sales.

Where Can You Market Your Small Business?

In addition to the typical advertising or marketing methods, such as newspapers, TVs, radios, magazines, and business journals, look for effective techniques within your budget to achieve your goals.

If you have a small business, you must think outside the conventional methods and leverage creative marketing techniques. Safahi says successful marketing is not about how much you spend on advertising.

It requires developing targeted strategies that appeal to customers, generate their interest, and engage them. Safahi has created a long list of marketing techniques, including referral programs, brochures, direct mail, newsletters, blogs, Twitter, billboards, TV, refrigerator magnets, calendars, printed pens, signage on the storefront, e-newsletters, local magazines, and sponsorships.

Alan Safahi recommends combining the traditional and digital marketing platforms to reach your target audience. For instance, leverage the power of promotional activities, community events, word of mouth, trade shows, newspapers, business card placement, social media, local SEO, YouTube, and Pinterest.

Is It Necessary To Create A Marketing Plan?

A solid marketing strategy does not happen by accident. It requires careful planning, preparation, and analysis. According to Alan Safahi, developing a targeted, coordinated, and systematic marketing approach is essential.

Although you can create an informal or formal marketing plan, Safahi recommends a formal plan can help you communicate with stakeholders, including potential lenders and employees.

On the other hand, a less formal plan has numerous loopholes, preventing you from reaching your target audience and spreading your brand message. Therefore, create a formal program with a written timeline to achieve S.M.A.R.T goals and track your advertising or promotional activities.

Remember, a formal marketing plan goes hand in hand with your business goals and financial resources. For instance, when you lack funds or budget, you may not purchase an ad on TV. At the same time, TV ads are ineffective if your target audience does not watch television or spends less time on it.

Therefore, Alan Safahi suggests creating a marketing plan to know the preferred marketing channels of your target audience. Thus, you can tailor your strategy toward your customers, financial resources, and business objectives. Lastly, if you don’t have enough time to create a marketing plan, hire a professional marketer or service to do the job adequately.

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